PRTF Program

Psychiatric Residential Treatment Facilities (PRTF) provide active treatment to children and youth between the ages of 11-17 years with complex mental health conditions. This is an inpatient level of care provided in a residential facility rather than a hospital. A new level of care, PRTFs provide services to children and youth with complex mental health conditions and must have a clinical diagnosis from the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5). PRTF's are more intensive than other services currently available in the state, such as residential treatment or day treatment, but less medically intensive than a psychiatric hospital or a psychiatric unit of a general hospital. Dr. Shane Wernsing, our current Psychiatrist, will provide the lead and direction for the PRTF program. All individuals will have a plan of care based on a diagnostic evaluation that includes evaluation on the medical, psychosocial, and behavioral aspect of the individual’s situation.


Program Elements


Referral Process

Adolescents are referred and admitted based on medical necessity. Referrals to a PRTF may be made by a licensed mental health professional from the community or acute care settings, along with the parent or legal guardian.

To be considered for admission to Hoffmann Center, male children or adolescents:

  • Must be between 11 – 17 years old (in the near future, we will open admission to 10 year olds and 18-19 year olds).
  • Has a mental health diagnosis as defined in the most recent edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual for Mental Disorders (DSM), as well as clinical evidence of severe aggression, or a finding that the individual is a risk to self or others.
  • Has functional impairment and a history of difficulty in functioning safely and successfully in the community, school, home, or job; an inability to adequately care for one's physical needs; or caregivers, guardians, or family members are unable to safely fulfill the individual's needs
  • Requires psychiatric residential treatment under the direction of a physician to improve the individual's condition or prevent further regression so that services will no longer be needed
  • Utilized and exhausted other community-based mental health services, or clinical evidence indicates that such services cannot provide the level of care needed
  • Is referred for treatment to a psychiatric residential treatment facility by a qualified mental health professional. Eligibility requires an MHP to complete a current diagnostic assessment and submit this DA to the Arkansas Foundation for Medical Care (AFMC)  along with their Eligibility for Admission form (DHS 7696) to


LAHC maintains 32 beds (two cottages) for biologically-born males, aged 11-17, with measured FSIQ of 70 or above, who meet criteria for PRTF level of care demonstrating the following conditions:

  • Aggression or violent behavior, including self-injurious behavior
  • Has a mental health diagnosis as defined in the most recent edition of the Diagnostic Statistical Manual for Mental Disorders
  • Functional impairment and a history of difficulty functioning safely and successfully in the community, school, home, or job; an inability to adequately care for one’s physical needs; or caregivers, guardians, or family members are unable to safely fulfill the individual’s needs
  • Mild/Moderate co-occurring substance-related disorders (not requiring separate, formal substance abuse or dependence treatment, in remission in a controlled setting)
  • Abuse, neglect, or trauma
  • Involvement with the juvenile justice or protection systems


For more information, regarding referrals:

Visit the Minnesota Department of Human Services website




Maddy Collins

Client Care Coordinator

1715 Sheppard Drive - PO Box 60

St. Peter, MN 56082

(507) 484-7765

Referral Information and Guidelines

Click here for the Referral Guidelines document.

Our mailing address is:

1715 Sheppard Drive
P.O. Box 60
St. Peter, MN 56082
Fax: 507-934-2594