Referral/Admissions Process for Residential Services:
When an initial referral is received by the Intake Worker, referral questions are asked to determine appropriateness of placement. At that time, you will be asked to complete the Referral Guidelines, which can be printed off our website and completed. In addition, you will be asked to provide the following information:
Recent Social History
Recent Psychological
Police Reports
Copy of Court Orders
School Records (IEP)
Psych. Evaluations/Reports
Copy of Permanency Plans
Immunization Records
Medical History Information (3 years)
Copy of Out of Home Placement Plans
Once this information has been received, the Clinical Director along with the clinical team will make the determination if the child meets the criteria for acceptance. In conjunction with this process, insurance and/or funding sources will be established.
If it has been determined that the child is appropriate, an intake date and time will be scheduled. All clients admitted are assessed for appropriateness of placement.
Parents/Legal Guardians are requested to bring a 30-day supply of any medications the child might need. In addition, please bring all current medical and dental insurance cards with you.
When you and your child arrive, you will meet with the Registered Nurse to go over medical history and medication history. She will also do an intake assessment of the child’s health.
Tours of the cottages and grounds are available upon request.
The child and parents/legal guardians will then meet with the Unit Supervisor who will be helping you through the intake process.
This process will take approximately 1 to 1 1/2 hours. Admission forms will be completed, as well as reviewing and discussing all required paperwork.