About Us

How did we get our name?

Leo A. Hoffmann Center was dedicated to the memory and principles of Leo A. Hoffmann. Mr. Hoffmann lived in rural Sleepy Eye, MN and was a Brown County Commissioner and founding member of the Brown-Nicollet Human Service Board. Brown-Nicollet Human Services board brought forth the idea of a program for juvenile delinquent boys and girls. Throughout his tenure, Mr. Hoffmann supported programs which tended to improve the community by improving the status of its youth. Prior to the Hoffmann Center opening, Mr. Hoffmann had heart failure and died suddenly. The board of Brown-Nicollet Human Services named this program in his honor as he was very active in its start-up and believed in helping youth.


What’s our history?

The Leo A. Hoffmann Center began operation in November 1979 as a program for juvenile delinquents in response to a growing need for residential treatment services identified by the Brown and Nicollet County Human Services Board. In 1983, the Center became a private, non-profit corporation specializing in the treatment of adolescent males who engaged in inappropriate or harmful sexual behavior. Organizational downsizing, as well as programmatic and organizational restructuring created opportunities for the formation of improved, comprehensive, strength-based, multi-modal, multi-disciplinary, and individualized treatment facilities. Program staff from Evergreen and North Cottages continue to focus on creating and maintaining safe environments for clients and staff in order to promote a sense of belonging, pro-social learning, and positive change.

Each building is equipped with sixteen single bedrooms. Both buildings have the capacity for 16 clients. Security cameras are located in the living unit, commons area, kitchen, and laundry room to enhance security and supervision measures.

Outpatient Services (St. Peter Counseling Center) were added in 1984 and expanded in 2007 to provide sexual behavior assessments, as well as group, client, and family therapy to adolescent males with problematic sexual behavior.

In 2019, we decided to further expand our current campus and change the philosophy of only working with clients with complex mental health issues and clients who have committed some type of inappropriate sexual behavior, and to change our campus from a Children Residential Facility to a Psychiatric Residential Treatment Facility (PRTF). We were chosen by the Minnesota Department of Human Services to become a PRTF that allows us to have a total of 40 beds.


Privacy Statement

Our Duty: This Notice of Privacy Practices (“Notice”) is provided to you pursuant to the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (“HIPAA”) and describes how the Leo A. Hoffmann Center, Inc. (Hoffmann Center) may use and/or disclose your protected health information to carry out treatment, payment, or healthcare operations and for other protected health information.

We are required to abide by the terms of this Notice. We reserve the right to change the terms of our Notice, at any time. Any new Notice will be effective for all protected health information that we maintain at that time. Upon your request, we will provide you with any revised Notice.

For a complete list of Privacy Practices please contact the Leo A. Hoffmann Center’s Main Office.


The things I've learned and how to use empathy on a daily basis, and the staff being so friendly and understanding. The fact that it's a chance to learn from what I did wrong, and how I can accept responsibility for a lot more, and how somebody was always willing to help and make me feel better when I was struggling and tried to answer my questions. For getting me to try in school because I wouldn't have finished if I didn't come here. I would have dropped out. It was a great learning experience.
~ Past Client
I don’t always get to say this, so I want to share with everyone here, how very impressed I am with the progress this young man has made; from where he started, to where he is today, it is abundantly clear that the treatment he received at Leo A. Hoffmann Center has had a dramatic effect on his positive growth and development; I am pleased and confident he is leaving treatment fully prepared to live a very happy and responsible life. ~ Client Judge
The best part of being in the program is getting all of the support from everyone involved. ~ Past Client

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