Acceptance Criteria

Acceptance Criteria

An individual who is eligible for mental health treatment services in a psychiatric residential treatment facility must meet all of the following criteria:

  1.  Before admission, services are determined to be medically necessary by the state’s medical review agent according to CRF 42, section 441.152
  2.  Is 19 years of age or younger at the time of admission. Services may continue until the individual meets criteria for discharge or is nearing 20 years of age, whichever occurs first
  3.  Has a mental health diagnosis as defined in the most recent edition of the Diagnostic Statistical Manual for Mental Disorders, as well as clinical evidence of severe aggression, or a finding that the individual is a risk to self or others
  4.  Has functional impairment and a history of difficulty functioning safely and successfully in the community, school, home, or job; an inability to adequately care for one’s physical needs; or caregivers, guardians, or family members are unable to safely fulfill the individual’s needs
  5.  Requires psychiatric residential treatment under the directions of a physician to improve the individual’s condition to prevent further regression so that services will no longer be needed
  6.  Utilized and exhausted other community-based mental health services, or clinical evidence indicates that such services cannot provide the level of care needed; and
  7.  Was referred for treatment in a psychiatric residential treatment facility by a qualified mental health professional.  A mental health professional making a referral shall submit documentation to the state’s medical review agent containing all information necessary to determine medical necessity, including a standard diagnostic assessment (DA) completed within 180 days of the individual’s admission.  The DA must include functional assessments and use of standardized instruments such as CASII, SDQ or LOCUS (for individuals over 18 years old) as well as substance abuse screens.  Documentation shall include evidence of family participation in the individual’s treatment planning and signed consent for services.


       1.   The applicant must be male and at least ten (10) years of age, but not older than nineteen (19) years of age at the time of admittance, with any of the following conditions:

  • Moderate aggression or violent behavior, including self-injurious behavior
  • Neurodevelopmental disorders, such as Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), Intellectual Disabilities (FSIQ 69+) with adaptive functioning skills
  • Bipolar and Depressive Disorders, Anxiety and Obsessive-Compulsive Disorders, Trauma and Stressor-Related Disorders, and /or other conditions identified in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) (excluding Schizophrenia Spectrum Disorders)
  • Mild/Moderate co-occurring substance-related disorders (not requiring separate, formal substance abuse or dependence treatment, in remission in a controlled setting)
  • Mild Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)
  • Fetal Alcohol Effects/Syndrome Disorder (FAE/FASD)
  • Abuse or neglect, or trauma (including sexually exploited youth)
  • Significant psychosocial stressors
  • Involvement with the juvenile justice or protection systems


       2.   Hoffmann Center will continue to provide programming for youth 10-18 years of age who exhibit problematic/inappropriate sexual behavior and/or have been charged or adjudicated for sexual offenses; however, applicants must first meet the criteria above (a. through g.).  If problematic sexual behavior exists prior to admission, it is preferred that a psychosexual evaluation be completed prior to admission.  If problematic sexual behavior is identified after admission, Hoffmann Center will complete a psychosexual evaluation.

       3.   The applicant shall be behaviorally suited for and shall be expected to attend school on a regular basis at the Hoffmann Learning Center.  If a resident is over the age of 18 he must be completing secondary education, enrolled in an institution which provides postsecondary or vocational education, participating in program designed to promote or remove barriers to employment, or employed at least 80 hours a month unless the client is incapable due to a medical condition (see 245A.04, Subd. 11).

      4.  The family shall be informed of the need for placement and shall be encouraged to be supportive to the extent that they agree to participate in family therapy on a regularly scheduled basis.

     5. The applicants must have a measured Full Scale IQ of 69 or above on an appropriate test of intellectual functioning.  All referrals with measured full scale intelligence between 70 and 85 shall be assessed for cognitive capabilities, prosocial skills, and assessed vulnerabilities compatible with the program’s content.

     6. Applicants with unstable medical or psychiatric conditions will be assessed on a case-by-case basis to evaluate whether the program’s staffing patterns and competencies would allow the program to meet the needs of the applicant seeking admission.  Applicants who have or are suspected of having a communicable disease or a disease endangering the health of other residents, or who require nursing care, except for brief episodic periods, will not be accepted.  Examples of nursing care include: bedside care, irrigations and catheterizations, applications of dressings or bandages; rehabilitative nursing techniques; and other treatments prescribed by a physician which require technical knowledge, skill, and judgment as possessed by a registered nurse.

     7.   Applicants must be deemed by Hoffmann Center staff to be able to fit in to the current mix of clients and level of functioning of the therapeutic culture in a manner that will not unduly disrupt the group or its culture so as to hinder the treatment of others or provide a threat to the safety of current clients.

    8.  In review of an applicant’s history, assessment, and needs, Hoffmann Center staff must determine that adequate staffing patterns and competencies; programming; gender, cultural, and financial resources exist to meet the needs of the person seeking admission.

    9.   The client, parent(s), legal guardians, other members of the client’s treatment team, such as case managers and other service providers, or others in whose care the client will be released after discharge will be invited and shall be expected to attend various meetings regarding the client, as well as remain generally active with the client.